Skin & Wellness Modalities

“Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.”

Émile Coué


I am continually impressed with the gifts nature and technology offer to take care of ourselves through skincare. As our body’s largest organ, skin is a gateway, informing us of the inner state of being in relationship with the external world we explore moment to moment. Through the years, so much is revealed here about our home we inhabit this lifetime.

As such, we have an extraordinary opportunity to practice wellbeing by nourishing our skin. One of my favorite blends of nature and science is using radio frequency as well as laser light to support muscle structure and dermal regeneration, giving definition as we evolve. And that’s just the beginning of my list of favorites! With 18 years experience as an aesthetician, I love sharing products, recipes and traditions used by men and women to bring out the best in their being.

You can find me practicing aesthetics at The Folly Beach Medi Spa in Folly Beach, SC. Click the link below to schedule your spa services in a beautiful garden Bungalow oasis!


Exciting new modalities being updated soon!

Nurturing your body, mind and soul is a beautiful act of love.

- EH