On This Trip Around the Sun…

I am wholly grateful to be here, breathing, sharing life with loved ones, traveling, experiencing Earth, watching my beautiful son grow more vibrant every day all the while feeling the expansion of my soul.

This is my letter of gratitude as I begin my next annual revolution, feeling energized by all that has been and hope filled for the next chapters unfolding.

Where I’ve Been

Thankful - I AM

I took a little break!

Many months ago, I followed a highlighted trail emerging in my mind’s eye calling for me to combine my growing passions into one place. I would like to say that it started with gratitude, but honestly, it started from a place of wondering how the heck could I have so many interests and could I explore them all? Actually, I think the deeper question was, if I pursued them all could I experience them all deeply and fully?

After feeling a little confusion on how to do this all and from my heart, I remembered a helpful instruction - “Count Your Blessings”. Wouldn’t it be so wild and wonderful if that meant it was necessary to expand my heart space for all of these things?

A funny thing happened.

As I started to speak my grateful thoughts out loud for all the beautiful interests swirling in my mind, many new and some re-energized, I started to see the thread connecting these dots of creativity that, in fact, have closer relation to each other than I realized. One thing became clear - A LIST WAS IN ORDER!

Oh, how I love making a list!

I started writing lists everywhere; all the things I wanted to experience, all the places I wanted to visit and goals that have been important to me. I am here to bring them into reality! It was not a journaled story but rather a scribble of thought each time an idea came to me that brought excitement…like I had to get up right then and act on it. Sometimes, with the scribbles, came a quick “next step” to get closer into the space where the idea could be real. And while I have been following these creative prompts, the path did not necessarily seem like a clear story to relate. It felt a little disjointed, in fact, as opposed to a neat blog post. And so, it became clear, I needed to take a little break from sharing and go live out these beautiful, creative dots that now look a little like push pins on my souls map of treks adventured.

The time is now.

The urgency on this trip around the sun feels in sync with this time in my life. Forty-five years of adventures and lessons are closing their window as the next version of me emerges. With love, I close this chapter and welcome the new strength accumulating. I know just where to focus it…into my own healing and growing with loved ones.

What’s Next

The beauty of this experiment in following my passions unfolded from a smattering of bullet points with jotted “next steps” into a completely lovely summer that has inspired a renewed way of living.

I’d like to invite you on the next phase of this journey with this as our next start point. With this experiment, I am expanding on the notion of living full and filled. It helps that my soul has been strongly urging in certain areas like self-development, new financial literacy, consciousness in a new age, tools for healing and ways to advance my esthetics practice. You can begin your list from a theme or just start writing any of the thoughts that come in like light bulbs and see where the journey goes! In 3-6 months, I can say with surety we will be different than we are today!

This calls for a list!

I'‘m going to begin my list, here, with you, just as I did about 8 months ago before planning a cross country road trip for the ages! *Sidenote: some thoughts seem obvious because they’re already cooked and conscious for us but writing them can spawn an unexpected lightbulb that can extend the thread of the adventure. I’ll update my list as ideas come and share what has developed when we check back in.

  • Breathwork

    • for my own health and then to share

  • Energy Healing

    • focus on physical and soul health as well as healing practices for finances in the new days ahead.

  • Travel to Bali

  • Visit Sedona again

    • train ride to the Grand Canyon

    • Explore all the way to Utah. Visit Moab with my son.

  • Visit Australia

    • Take my son to see where I went to highschool.

  • Create new menus for myself based on energy

  • Buccal Massage for Facials

  • Look for ways to help people restore the energetics of their homes after dealing with things like the recent hurricanes and flood damage.

With this letter of gratitude, I begin my new journey with the strength, balance and audaciousness of spirit to be a trail blazer for my soul in the energy of 10/10. I mark this spot on the soul map and say Thank You; I am already balanced. I am already loved and loving. I am full and filled and everyday is an adventure of galactic proportions.

Love, Carrah


Oh - I See!